At the historic Reynolds Homestead in Critz, Virginia sits All Trails Lead Home. A favorite tale and family story of the Reynolds family are that of William Neal Reynolds, born here in 1863, during the Civil War. Attending school up in the village and staying late playing with the other boys, William was coming through the dark woods at dusk and heard a voice cry, “Who — who—o—who—o-O-O- are you?” Trembling, he replied, “Just little Willie Reynolds going home from school.” His fears went away as he heard a flutter of wings and saw an owl fly out of a nearby tree! These trails were walked by real people and told very real stories. Enjoy the beauty, the mystery, and the history as you, too, pass by and answer the question, “Who are you?”

Artist: Pepper Martin
Pepper Martin is a self-taught artist that began painting with an airbrush on motorcycles. After focusing for many years on dance and theatre, Pepper transitioned to the world of paint and hasn’t looked back. Although her primary medium is oil paints on canvas you can find Pepper painting on everything from dumpsters to trucks and now hands. Pepper also works as a counselor and finds that one profession complements the other. Understanding people at an emotional level lends itself to stronger, more powerful artwork. Pepper hopes her artwork captures your attention and influences the way you feel about things.
Pepper’s hand titled “All Trails Lead Home” at Reynolds Homestead, L.E.A.F. Trail is painted to resemble an antique map with trails marking historical spots throughout the county. Each finger of the hand represents a different landmark in the county all leading Home to the center of Patrick County.